Student Information
Parent Information
Child's Full Name
A student’s name is an important part of their identity and helps us personalize their experience.
Child's Race/Ethnicity
Your representation matters and help us to make sure we are fulfilling our mission of bringing on and guilding all kinds of kids.
Your child’s representation matters and helps us to make sure we are fulfilling our mission of bringing on and guiding all kinds of kids.
Child's Gender
We believe all kids can excel in coding and this helps us make sure we are including more gender diversity.
Child's Date of Birth
All kids from ages 7-17 are welcome to join as we want to encourage young kids like you to excel in STEM.
All kids from ages 7-17 are welcome to join as we want to encourage young kids to excel in STEM.
School Name
Your child’s school information allows us to know what resources they already have access to.
School Type
Does your child have a health condition or learning difference?
This information allows us to accommodate you and your needs.
This information allows us to accommodate your child and their needs.
Does your child have any food allergies?
When we’re providing food, we’ll make sure you feel comfortable.
When we’re providing food, we’ll make sure your child feels comfortable.